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How To Create Backlinks Manually Back To Your Website

When you are creating backlinks back to your website, you only want to focus on getting highly respected authoritative websites within your niche to link back to your website. Today I want to share with you 7 different ways on how to create backlinks manually back to your website.

Backlink Strategy #1 Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great strategy for SEO. It enables you to get a variety of different links from various websites in your niche.

how to do guest posting in seoIf you decide to include guest blogging in your link building efforts, only write for websites that are trustworthy and are relevant in your niche.

To help speed up the process of guest posting, you should look at a website called PostRunner.

If you’re a hungry blogger looking to expand your online presence through guest posting, PostRunner gives you access to hundreds of blogs who are willing to consider publishing your content on their website.

If you need content for your blog or website, you can install the PostRunner plugin and put your site in front of hundreds of hungry bloggers looking to expand their online presence through guest posting. In a nutshell, PostRunner takes the hassle and the haggle out of guest posting.

Backlink Strategy #2 Use Web 2.0 Properties As An SEO Strategy

This is another great way to get high quality backlinks for free. So what you are going to do is head on over to Google and type in blogspot 2018 or whatever current year it is. Your goal is to comment on web 2.0 properties that are current and active.

For example, you are going to type in blogspot.com then hit space then put in the keyword of whatever niche that you are in. So your search query should look like blogspot.com yoga mats 2018.

When you find a blog that has relevant content to your niche and that blog is active, you will leave a good comment.

Make sure that you actually have read the blog post and then leave a helpful but valuable comment so that it can get approved by the moderator. You can also use the WordPress.com web 2.0 property and do the exact same thing.

Backlink Strategy #3 Use Popular Forums To Create Manual Backlinks

Look for popular forums in your niche. All you have to do is just head on over to Google and type in your niche and then forums for example, yoga forums.

When you do this, look for forums that have lots of members and that the forum is active. After you have joined a forum, you will be allowed to create a forum signature.

Use this signature to create a backlink back to your website. As you are interacting on these high traffic forums, other members and the search engines will see this. This is another way to get high targeted traffic back to your website.

how to create backlinks manually

Backlink Strategy #4 Use Drop My Link (dropmylink.com) To Get High Quality Backlinks

This is another free tool that you can use that will help you speed up your backlinking efforts. All you have to do is sign up for a free account. Put the keyword in you want to rank for and DropMyLink will go out and find high quality blogs for you to comment on.

Since these blogs are an authority in their niche and have high PageRank and high authority, you cannot just post any o’l comment like “great post” or “nice blog”. You have to take your time and read the post and leave a thoughtful comment.

Then you wait for your comment to be approved by the webmaster. That’s it, then you move on to the next one. My suggestion to you is to open up your Excel spreadsheet and make note of which blogs you left a comment on so that you won’t waste time commenting on the same article twice.

Do this kind of promotion through commenting every now and then for all of your websites to provide your websites with “naked links”, get some direct traffic, and develop a relationship with other webmasters that could end up giving you great backlinks to your websites.

Backlink Strategy #5 You Can Just Ask

You can search for other websites and blogs in your niche. You can reach out to the webmasters of these blogs and just ask them to link back to you.

If you know that you have high quality content on your website that is worthy of being noticed, then don’t hesitate to just ask other webmasters in your niche to link back to you.

I would only do this method for blogs that are on the 1st page of the search engines for whatever keyword you type in. This way you have a backlink back to your website that is on the 1st page of the search engines.

Backlink Strategy #6 You Can Enlist The Help Of Google

Google Alerts is one of the most versatile online tools. It allows you to listen to conversations you may not be aware of. Conversations that involve your niche.

how to create backlinks for my websiteAs you manage your online presence, it is important to listen to what people are saying and how they are saying it. It is simple and easy to set up Google Alerts.

Once you set it up, Google will send you high authority blogs to comment on that is related to your niche right in your email inbox.

Backlink Strategy #7 Use Video Marketing As An SEO Strategy

If you are into video marketing, YouTube videos rank very well in the search engines if they are done correctly.

I have written a whole blog post on how to succeed with video marketing. You can read it here.

While you are creating your manual backlinks, you also need to have social engagement with your content. Read this blog post on how to get some easy social engagement for your content without having to spend hours on end on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or any other social media website.

how to create backlinks manually



how do you make quality backlinks, how to create backlinks manually, how to get backlinks 2020, how to get quality backlinks, what is meant by web 2.0 in seo

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