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7 Strategies On How To Write Articles That Sell

1. Choose Your Topic and An Irresistible Title

A first impression is a lasting impression. Your blog post or article title is your first impression to your readers. It should be catchy and have the ability to hook your readers into wanting more.

For example let’s say you are in the yoga niche. And you want to write an article about “yoga mats.” Instead of the title of your article being, “Get Cute Yoga Mats.” The title of your article could be “You Have Got To See These Cute Yoga Mats!”

This is a curiosity title and it will get yoga enthusiast curious about the cuteness of yoga mats. People who enjoy reading often want to be educated and entertained.

So if your article titles are boring & bland, they will more than likely move on to another article. Remember this, write irresistible article titles that your reader’s eyes just can’t pass up. This is the first important point on how to write articles that sell.

2. Find Profitable Keywords In Your Niche

how to write articles that sellThe main reason behind article marketing is to find your potential customers via keywords.

You will use these keywords in your blog post or article title.

And you will use these keywords throughout your article. So let’s say you are promoting the AeroMat Elite Workout Mat with Handles.

This would be your keyword. If you were to rank well in the search engines for AeroMat Elite Workout Mat with Handles, you could get plenty of sales.

When people are looking to buy something online, they will often type in product names.

Another keyword strategy that you could use is to focus on a problem that most yoga enthusiast face. For example people who enjoy Ardha Chandrasana doing yoga often wobble. Your keyword could be Ardha Chandrasana.

And you could do some research on Ardha Chandrasana and tell your readers about some techniques that they can do to not wobble and maintain their balance while doing Ardha Chandrasana.

People will often buy products to help solve their problems. If you have a product that will stop, get rid of, or help to do something, you can make a lot of sales this way.

3. Research Your Topic & See What Your Competitors Are Doing

Even though you may know a lot about your topic, you still could learn a few things. Doing some good research will help you come up with some new ideas that you could add in with your own expertise.

Doing some research on your niche will also help you find out what everyone is talking about in your niche and what problems they may be having. You can turn this knowledge into cash.

You also want to take a peek at what your competitors are saying in their articles and videos. Read and analyze the articles and watch the videos in your niche that always seem to be on the first page of Google. You are looking for things like:

  • What keywords do they use?
  • What images do they use?
  • What links do they include?
  • How many shares do they have?
  • And on which social media sites?
  • How many words do the articles contain?
  • Are people commenting?

Once you have identified these key elements, you will be well on your way to writing articles that will easily sell your brand or affiliate products.

4. Make Sure You Check Your Facts On How To Write Articles That Sell

content marketing helping to solve problemsAs you are writing your article, make sure your facts are straight.

Although you may not be an expert on the topic that you are writing about, your readers know less than you do.

In their eyes, you are an expert and they are looking to you to help solve their problems.

Whether your article is about where to find the best yoga mat or on how to do yoga at home. Make sure that what you are saying is accurate and up-to-date.

5. Relate To Your Audience

Another major point on how to write articles that sell is to relate to your audience in a personable fashion. When you can identify what problem your readers are having and you have had that same problem in the past, you will come across as more genuine than just some person who is just trying to sell them on something.

Blog posts or articles that use more of a personal, I can-relate-to-you tone are likely to be shared. Using words such as “I” and “we” reminds readers that there’s a human behind the content.

If you want your audience to read and share your content, make sure that they can relate to it. Don’t be afraid to show a little of yourself and personality.

6. Offer A Solution To A Problem

Why do you use Google? It’s likely to solve a problem or find an answer to a question you’re asking. We use Google to learn how to change our windshield wiper blades to, how to make a Windsor knot, and pretty much everything else.

Other than cute cat videos, the Internet is the place to find solutions and answers. When you create content, think about the problems that your readers in your niche are facing.

How can you help them? If your content solves a problem for your readers, they are more likely to share it, buy your product, and become a loyal reader and customer.

7. Avoid Filling Up Your Posts With Fluff

how to write online articlesThis is another major strategy on how to write articles that sell.

Get to the point. During your editing process, get rid of any filler material.

Delete any unnecessary words. Condense sentences. Reduce extraneous information.

In other words, get to the point. Your readers should not have to plod through a bunch of unnecessary words to get to the solution to their problem.

They want an answer fast. If they have to wade through a bunch of text to find out the solution, they will just leave your article in frustration and go somewhere else.

That being said, there have been many, many conversations on the right content length. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. Content should be only as long as it needs to be to explain the subject matter.

Though content can be any length, research does show that longer articles get more shares. This correlation might not mean much, but I believe that it has to do with the respect that is earned from long articles.

Long articles might be shared more because the length makes them seem trustworthy. Whatever the reason, longer articles are shared more often than shorter articles. I usually write my articles between 600 – 1000 words. A 600 word article is about a 5 minute conversation.

If content is king then good information is queen! If you’ve started an online business, created a new product, or are just writing for a blog, you need content.

And you don’t just need content to fill up a page, you need great content that will sell. With these 7 strategic article writing steps, you are certain to create great content that will help to grow your business and make sales.

What tips, tricks, & strategies have worked for you when creating articles that sell?


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article marketing for small business, article marketing vs content marketing, does article marketing still work, how to write articles that sell, how to write online articles

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