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How To Do Email Marketing To Make Money Online

A lot of people new to affiliate marketing or any kind of marketing often shy away from building an email list just because they do not know how to do email marketing.

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Well, in this video, Brendan Mace gives an excellent tutorial on how to do email marketing the right way so that it can be profitable for your online business so that you can have the lifestyle to do the things that you enjoy.

What Is Email Marketing And How Does It Work?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In more broader terms, every email sent to a current subscriber or potential customer could be considered email marketing.

email marketing made easyInternet/affiliate marketers commonly use email marketing to send educational and promotional content to their subscribers. Email marketing is an excellent way to stay in constant contact with your subscribers. You can keep them abreast of what is happening in your niche.

You can let them be the first to know when you are releasing a new product, when a sale is occurring, or just to say hello and see how they are doing. When you use good email marketing practices, you can build a solid relationship with your readers/subscribers. People often buy from people who they know, like, and trust.

So, in a nutshell, email marketing is a method to communicate to your subscriber’s via a newsletter sent electronically to their email address.

Email marketing is most effective when you educate your reader’s/subscriber’s about a particular niche that you are in rather than trying to sell them something all of the time. This is a good habit to practice on how to do email marketing to make money online.

What Is An Autoresponder And How Does It Work?

An autoresponder is a software program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular email address. The more popular autoresponders that Internet marketers often use are Aweber, Get Response, Active Campaign, or Constant Contact. The key things to keep in mind when choosing an autoresponder:

Does the service offer a high deliver-ability rate? If your emails are getting filtered out in the subscriber’s promotional inbox or spam folder, your emails will not get opened AND more importantly you won’t be able to successfully build a relationship with your list or hardly make any money. Whichever autoresponder you choose, you should make sure the emails you send out land in your subscriber’s INBOX!

email marketing made easyIs the service cost-effective? Most autoresponders will charge you more as your email list grows. So, if you have 5000 subscribers on your email list and you are using Aweber, you will be paying $50 per month. But with Aweber right now you can get your first 500 subscribers on your email list for free. Thereafter if you choose to stick with Aweber, 501-1000 subscribers will cost you $26.00 per month.

You really need to think about the pricing plan of most autoresponders because what if you are not making that much money at a particular time from your email list. Can you afford $50+ dollars per month when you have a few lean months?

You can easily afford free per month when your profits dip a bit rather than having to pay $50+ dollars per month when not a whole lot of sales are coming in. When you have an online business, you want your profit margins to be HUGE. You want to keep your operating costs as low as possible.

Does the autoresponder service offer great customer service? If you are new to email marketing and are using an autoresponder for the first time, you will undoubtedly have a lot of questions in the beginning and will need extra help. You want the service that you are using to have a knowledgeable customer service team to be quick to answer whatever questions you may have.

Is the autoresponder easy to use? When you first signup to your new autoresponder service, you want things to be easily accessible and straightforward. Your dashboard or back office should be easy to navigate through. There should be video tutorials available to help you set up your new autoresponder. If you choose Aweber, I have a video tutorial already set up for you right here.

There also should be an exhaustive knowledge-based FAQ page to answer any questions you may have when the customer service team is unavailable. Having a powerful and robust autoresponder that has a high deliverability rate is the first step on how to do successful email marketing.

email marketing made easy

Once you signup to your autoresponder service, you will need to write your own autoresponder sequences/newsletters and set them on whichever days you want them to go out to your subscribers.

Why You Should Start Building An Email List

I Aside From Your Website, It’s The Only Thing You Have Control Over.

In my opinion, social media is absolutely essential to growing a profitable and engaged blog or business. It connects you to your audience, allows you to share relatable pieces of your life, and drives traffic back to your website.

But social media websites like YouTube, BlogSpot, LinkedIn, and Google+ have one big flaw: You have absolutely NO CONTROL over them!

You don’t own Instagram or Pinterest or any of the other social media sites that you’ve spent so much time growing. They could easily flip a switch and change everything or they can shut your account down without giving you insomuch as a warning. All of your hard work has just went down the drain.

This is what happened to me with one of my YouTube accounts. I was making at least $500 per month with my YouTube account and I had a few thousand subscribers. That all went away when Google decided to shut down my account for no apparent reason, Arghh!!!

Luckily, you do control your email newsletters and subscribers. It’s all yours, baby. You can always download YOUR subscriber’s emails and YOUR newsletters from your autoresponder service.

It is yours to keep forever. After all, your email list is your greatest asset because this is where the bulk of all of your sales will be coming from.

email marketing made easy

So, even if tomorrow, Pinterest changes their site so that only three people ever see your pins again, you’ll still have an email list full of dedicated followers who are there to open your emails and read your most important updates and offers.

II Email Subscribers Are More Likely To Be Product Buyers.

Do you ever intend to sell products or services on your website? Then you need an email list. Think of it this way: a person’s email inbox is sacred. If they allow you to send them emails, then they’re essentially inviting you into their virtual home.

People hate getting useless spam in their inbox, but they’re willing to scroll through an Instagram feed full of photos from acquaintances they’ve talked to twice in their life. Bottom line? Most people are less picky about who they “follow” on social media vs. who they subscribe to via email.

So, if someone subscribed to your email list? They dig you and they mean business. They’re not just a casual “follow4follow” account on Twitter. They’re real. They’re engaged. And they might just want whatever it is that you’re selling.

It’s incredibly important to take care of your email subscribers. Not only are they going to be your most engaged blog readers, but they’ll also be your most loyal customers. This is your tribe. And your email list is their headquarters.

III It’s The Easiest Way To Keep In Touch.

Lastly, an email is the easiest way to share big announcements and keep in touch. Not everyone will check your Instagram or blog everyday unless they are absolutely crazy about your site. But what will they do? Well, they’ll probably check their email everyday.

So, if you have something important to share, and want to be sure that your audience receives it, then an email list is an excellent medium to keep in touch. So, who shouldn’t create an email list?

email marketing made easy

Personally, I think most bloggers and business owners should be trying to grow their email list, this is the best and easiest way to grow an online and offline business. But there is one exception. If you don’t ever intend to sell products or services of any kind, then you probably don’t need an email list.

We use Aweber for our email newsletters. How about you? Do you have any questions about building your email list? Do you have an email list of your own? I’d love to hear your feedback!




advantages of email marketing, best autoresponders, how to do email marketing, purpose of email marketing, what is an autoresponder and how does it work

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