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How To Write A Killer Sales Page

Headlines That Make promises And Demand Attention

The headline is always the most important part of each sales page. You need to make sure that you create something that’s interesting, and a headline that will grab your readers attention.

Your headline must pre-qualify the reader based on their needs and wants, as well as promise them an intriguing result if they will stick around and read what comes next.

Let them know about the benefits. When you let your readers know about what is in it for them, they will know what to expect from the product. Here is an example.

Subject: Re: Tiny Emails, Big Bank?
How’d you like to be able to just sit back
and send a few emails every day to bring
in 5 figure months on auto-pilot?
 If so, check out this limited-time private
 ~> [Your Sales Page LINK]
 P.S.  You can thank me later in
the members area
 ~> [Your Sales Page LINK]

Opening Paragraphs That Promise And Persuade

This is the place to get more specific about what your readers are about to learn. Most important of all, let them know how that knowledge will get them closer to their desired result.

Stories That Reveal The Reason Behind The Offer

The old expression “Words tell, stories sell”, is still 100% true people become more emotionally connected with copy that tells a story. You will do well to create a compelling (and true, of course!) backstory to why the offer you are making came into existence, because that pulls the reader into your copy on a deeper level. Here is an example.

Subjects: This Month’s Earnings
  Each month I get really excited to check my
monthly earnings – do you?

I remember the fear and dread I would experience
looking at my pay stub and wondering where all
the money went, and if I would ever get ahead.
Never again. I found my solution, isn’t it your turn?

This is a proven, step-by-step system.
Take it for a test drive, and see the results
you achieve.
Best Regards,

Details That Foster Rapport And Credibility

Let’s go back to the story this is the perfect place to weave in the writer’s background, the credentials that establish authority, and the reasons that make that person the perfect choice for satisfying the reader’s needs.

Readers buy from those they trust and like. Pepper your copy with details that make the product author an interesting and authoritative source, and the overall message becomes much more compelling.

Anxiety-Reducing Testimonials

Most readers do not care about testimonials. They care about their own problems (and specifically, getting them solved) and they care about the objections they have when they consider clicking that “Add to Cart” button.

They are going to be thinking things like:

  • Will this work for my situation?
  • Is this going to be too hard?
  • Will I have time for this?
  • What if I need to return this?
  • How can I trust this person?

It’s your job to anticipate their objections and gather testimonials that show an antidote to the anxieties behind them.

Proof That Your Product Or Service Actually Works

Walk them through specific examples of how the product or service worked for you (which incidentally, you can easily do by weaving these elements into your story).

Look for ways that previous customers were able to get results despite the obstacles, setbacks, or circumstances that your new customers are likely to be worried about. Then use those examples to show how your new prospects can do it, too.

Make Them An Offer They Can’t Refuse

Break out every detail of what your product does for them (and weave that into your story as well), and get very specific as to how much each benefit is worth — financially and emotionally.

Paint a clear picture of everything they are getting. Stack value upon value until your readers are filled with the sense that your offer is exactly what they need and furthermore, that the price is a no-brainer bargain.

A Risk-Free Environment

People are terrified of being oversold, scammed, and taken advantage of on the internet and so their shields are up when it comes to trusting what you say.

That is why it is such a good idea to offer a strong guarantee that takes all the burden of risk off of their shoulders.

Wrap It Up With A Solid Close

Remind your customer what benefits they will get when they buy, and resurface the pain and inconveniences that will go away when they have fully used your product or service.

Once you have done that, ask them explicitly to buy. Not doing so will cost you conversions, and it is an easy mistake to make because we can be hesitant to ask for things.

Here is an example of a strong call to action.

SUBJECT: Why are you not part of this?
Did you see this earlier today?
Check it out here..
There are only 6 left you have to hurry, if
you miss this you will hate yourself.


members are already reporting MASSIVE success
(some are a bit less…doing just $150-$500
per day in PROFIT)

Everything is done for you, all you have to
Check it out here –
Your going to love this,

What If You Don’t Have A Sales Page

If you don’t already have a product of your own or are struggling to write a sales page, you can get a business in a box with a professional sales page already well crafted for you at Master Resell Rights

These are high end quality PLR products written by well known internet marketers. These internet marketers already know what works so why not piggy back and profit off of their hard work? Most of these high converting PLR products are less than $20.


how to write a high converting sales page, how to write a killer sales page, how to write a one page sales pitch, how to write a sales page that converts, how to write sales page copy

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