What does passion have to do with making money online or affiliate marketing, you ask? Well, when you are passionate about a particular subject or activity, that excitement that you have burning on the inside of you often is contagious.
When you write an article, blog post, or create a video that exuberance often excites the reader or viewer to want to share in your happiness. So, if you are promoting a product or service that you are passionate about, that passion will help sell whatever you are promoting because other people want to be happy and excited just like you are.
Before I go any further, let’s define passion. Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm or compelling desire towards someone or something. So I ask you, do you have a passion for something or someone? It could be your spouse or significant other, a hobby like golf, or it could be your vocation.
Well, what if you are unable to answer any of Charlie’s questions? What if you want to know how to create passion in your life? How do you create a passion for something you really don’t care anything about but you want to make money online. I have four suggestions that should help you out.
Let’s say you want to create a website about yoga mats because it can be really lucrative for you. But you really don’t know a whole lot about the subject nor do you really give two shakes about it.
How do you create a passion for yoga even though you have never set foot inside a yoga studio? How do you get other people excited about buying yoga products when the subject doesn’t even interest you?
My First Suggestion To You Is To Start Doing It
The good thing about starting it right away is that you get a feel for what the activity is all about. If you’ve never tried it before, you might have preconceived notions about it. So instead of seeing it for what it might be, you see it for what it really is.
Once you’ve tried it a few times, you can decide if it really is something that’s right for you. I’d only give up on it if you really dislike it. It’s natural to not be too excited about something the first few times so you really need to keep going as long as you’re having fun. Make time for your new passion and do it on a regular basis. As soon as you’ve made it a regular part of your routine.
My Second Suggestion Is To Learn Everything About It
A big part of becoming passionate about something is learning everything about it. This will increase your knowledge and understanding of the activity in a very deep way. As you learn, you will integrate the activity into who you are and make it a general part of your life.
No matter what activity it is you’re trying to become passionate about, there are always books websites, videos or magazines to read and explore. Just about everything from rock climbing to chess has videos and magazines. Check them out and absorb as much of the content as you can.
Learn the lingo and history about the activity. Figure out if there are any notable people associated with it. For example, there are notable mountain climbers, surfers, yoga masters, writers and chess players. Whatever passion you’re pursuing, there is probably someone famous for doing it.
My Third Suggestion Is To Become Obsessed With It
You’ll naturally start to think about it all the time. You might start to talk about it to people you know and even make friends with people who have that same interest.
I consider this the key moment when turning something into a passion becomes much easier. Because you’ve started to think about it more, you’re more intrinsically motivated to seek it out and make it a part of your life. Once you’ve reached this point, the next step becomes much easier.
My Fourth Suggestion Is To Integrate It Into Your Life
The final step is to integrate your passion into your life. At this point it’s become a part of who you are. If you’ve integrated it fully enough, this passion will probably be something people associate with you or more importantly share with you.
Just make sure that it doesn’t take over who you are. Your passion should be enhancing your life and bringing you a lot of joy. Keep it all balanced. Your passions should always be something that makes your life better; not something that takes over your life. I know too many people who have had their passions take over their lives and it isn’t a good thing.
These are some powerful suggestions on how to create passion for a niche that you want to go into when you have almost zero passion for it. Start creating your passion with a Wealthy Affiliate website today!